Become a Virginia Licensed APRN CNM or Licensed CM

On March 20, 2021, Governor Northam signed HB1953/SB1320 making Virginia the 8th state in the nation and the first in the south to license Certified Midwives. Then, on March 23, 2021, the Governor signed HB1817 granting full-practice authority for CNMs with >1,000 practice hours and allowing CNMs with more than 2 years of experience to serve as consultants for newly licensed midwives.

Virginia ACNM created templates based on the laws and regulations governing advanced practice midwifery.

For CNMs applying for APRN CNM licensure in Virginia from other states who have already practiced >1,000 since July 1, 2021 with a practice agreement, complete the Attestation for Independent Practice and submit it wherever you submit your license (e.g. hospitals for privileging, health plans for credentialing, pharmaceutical or lab companies for accounts).

These documents were developed by the Advisory Board of Midwifery specifically for Licensed Midwives (CPMs). These specific statements/documents are not required in the Code or Regulations for CNMs or CMs. They are shared here for example and guidance only.

These documents were developed by the Advisory Board of Midwifery specifically for Licensed Midwives (CPMs). These specific statements/documents are not required in the Code or Regulations for CNMs or CMs. They are shared here for example and guidance only.

Sample language for hospital by-laws can be found here. [coming soon]