Advocating for Midwifery Care 101

VOTERVOICE is a tool that organizations, like ACNM, use to communicate with citizens and make it easy for you to have YOUR VOICE heard by YOUR ELECTED LEADERS.

Click on the images below to be taken to the VoterVoice for these bills.

Visit/call/email your Senator or Delegate

Find your Virginia representative by clicking the image below.

Introduce yourself as a midwife, client/patient of a midwife, advocate for access to reproductive and sexual health care by midwives.

SHARE YOUR STORY. Why is having access to midwives and affordable healthcare important to you?

Click the link for video tutorial on requesting a meeting with your representatives.


Celebrate midwife-attended births in your community!

Download the images to print your post card and send to legislators announcing the birth of a new constituent-into the hands of a midwife.